In December last, the NASA Mars Rover named Spirit Sol2169 taking pictures in the area. By using hazcam installed in 3 different places, Spirit began taking pictures in the area. Not long afterwards, the two images are successfully retrieved by Spirit shows a mysterious structure.
ome people say if the images taken by Spirit is merely a reflection of the camera alone. In addition to the picture above, there are also other pictures.
Object what else is it? in a video uploaded to youtube, the object is said to be the landing site of the Martian, and the structure behind it is the entrance to their base. Is this true? of course not . About the object, NASA provides an explanation if the object is likely a protective balloon when Spirit landed on Mars. The balloons are made specifically to function as shock absorbers when Spirit landed on Mars.
More or less like this mechanism Mars Rover landing
On the flat part, Spirit placed and locked in order not to move, then the bottom is a kind of balloon material coated specifically to withstand shock andnot easily torn. After Spirit landed, the vehicle began to explore diskeitar that place and take some pictures. Indeed, there has been no explanation of the structure of the image captured by the camera Spirit, but it is quite strange indeed if the Spirit only take 2 pictures that object.
Last, it is still not clear whether the object. Is it just a reflection of the camera? or indeed Martian're welcome us? I do not know, time will tell ..