Recently, news about the shifting of the earth's poles are also widely heard, and even thought to be one cause of the mass death of animals. Well, on December 1 to January 8, 2011 yesterday, it turns out the sun shows an anomaly. Has nothing to do with the earth and the strange phenomenon that occurred some time ago?
Not much information that I will present in this post, because I happened to find the info on youtube.In the video, recorded STEREO solar activity on January 1 2011.Memang not looked strangely in the video, but there are some white objects in the video. Some people may consider it normal but the object was kept there till the 6th.
Then, the peak of the solar anomaly occurs on day 6, as the sun was doing something. It also appears in the object form of white dots around the sun. The object kept appearing, even we can clearly see the white object passing in minute 5, where the object appeared on January 1, 2011.
For those who want to see the STEREO observations, please click here , then type in 20110101 and 20110108 fill the first box on the second box on the right fill. Fill fill another box with 1, and press search, then a few moments later, the image will appear on the STEREO observations 1 to 8 January 2011.
Is it just a technical glitch? or indeed STEREO has recorded anomalies that occur in the sun? Some people connect it with the phenomenon of mass animal deaths that occurred at the beginning of this new year, but that should be noted is, the first case of mass animal death occurred before the new year, more precisely one half hour before the new year (, so it is still too quickly link it with the solar anomaly.
Then, how about the news of the shifting poles of the earth, is there a connection? Earth's magnetic pole shift is being much talked about, but rarely connecting with the solar activity. Maybe it's the sun that affects the Earth's magnetic field, but it remains to be investigated again the link between solar anomaly that occurred on January 1 to 8 was the shifting of the Earth's magnetic.
What is clear, in my opinion, the shifting poles of the earth may indeed be one of the causes of mass animal deaths that occurred some time ago.
The video below is the result of the STEREO observations, an observer facilities in solar activity that can be accessed by anyone. The video was uploaded by someone who has a nick BeePeeOilDisaster shows solar activity on January 1 to January 8, 2011.