Just a few things I would point out in this article, and the reader can think of it as intermezzo course. Photo below was taken by the Mars rover named Opportunity vehicle. NASA has two vehicles explorers, Spirit and Opportunity are serving in different areas.
The photos were among hundreds of photos taken by Opportunity, and if you are interested to see the photos - pictures are released, please click here . If you visit these sites, you can see various photos vehicle camera shots duo the explorer, but it turns out there who think if there are photos - photos that are not released by NASA.
Try to check into the photo released by NASA, and when you check the photos - photos taken by Opportunity in December, you will only see two photos that none similar to the image above. Is the above picture was taken at a different time, given the new video about the photo uploaded in youtube on December 20, 2010 that lalu.Entahlah, the speculation is still evolving, but still there is still no evidence of the truth of the photo.
Back to the picture, what do you think readers? whether the astronauts footprints? footprints or the Martian? surely someone asks readers, "The 'footprints footprints similar to Martian boots?" . It is too early to judge to the footprints as Martian alien footprints, and I think the trail is caused by the rover vehicle while it is running. Here is a picture example of the vehicle.
How, like trail wheels, is'n it?