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Mysterious Object Caught Video Camera, Alien?

by Unknown , at 7:13 PM , has 1 comment
Do aliens really - really exist? I do not know, but in this post, I will discuss a video of alleged alien sightings, but not so obvious object.

Video below uploaded by someone named NYC812 on January 8, 2011. The video is a recording of a local television station, which Televisa. In the video it appears some soldiers on guard - guard. Initially appeared normal, then the second to the 20 something passing in front of the camera, is it?

Under normal circumstances, we probably will not notice it, but it turns out the editor, which NYC812 realize that something is passing quickly in front of the camera. He also set the record into slow motion, so that we can see clearly objects that are passed.

Mysterious Object Caught Video Camera, Alien?

Then, the object is it actually? Are insects that happen to pass in front of the camera? The video or just engineering? I do not know, which obviously no one has been able to provide information regarding this video, probably because the video itself is relatively new, so not much to comment.

Mysterious Object Caught Video Camera, Alien?
Mysterious Object Caught Video Camera, Alien? - written by Unknown , published at 7:13 PM, categorized as Mystery . And has 1 comment
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