Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Menu Vegetarian Good For Babies

Menu Vegetarian Good For Babies

Vegetarian diet was not only suitable only for the adults only. Even infants can also be given the vegetarian diet.As we know, in the vegetarian menu contained so many nutrients that can nourish the body and to provide nutritious and varied meals for your baby, it is suitable for vegetarian babies.

Vegetarian in infants is very good and very not cause side effects either on the health of your baby. There would be healthy for your baby. 

Degan Until now, there are no vegetarian infants suffering from malnutrition. Conversely, the vegetarian baby just a lot of excess nutrition or weight loss. If we give the baby a vegetarian menu, we should have a good plan on nutrition and type of food varies each time continuously. Give excessive attention to the need foods rich in nutrients such as protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D in the vegetarian diet. 

To perform a vegetarian diet in infants, we have to make sure some food groups that should be consumed, such as grains, dairy ( suggested soy milk) and nuts. Important source of nutrition for infants vegetarians include iron, vitamin B12, and protein. Iron is present in wheat, grains, dark leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, green beans, peas, dried fruits, such as apricots, as variations could also be given cake nuts, soy products, or soups thick. 

Others are rich sources of vitamin B12 present in the yeast extract, milk and infant formula products. Give your baby at least until your baby reaches the age of one year. Also provide various types of protein in your baby's menu every week, so the need for amino acids in your baby to be balanced. A rich source of protein contained in grains, breads, rice and pasta. Hopefully with this vegetarian diet, your baby will be awake healthy and grow well.

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